Co Ba: Unique Banh Mis

Co Ba

110 9th Avenue [9th btw 17th & 18th]

New York, NY

Should you try? Good option for banh mis if you’re nearby.

Co Ba's Banh Mi Thit Kho

I would consider Co Ba’s banh mis a dressed up version of the more traditional banh mis (e.g. Banh Mi Saigon).  They use ingredients and sauces you may not be used to, but are tasty and provide a different take on the sandwich.  They do get a -1 for the bread since it’s a little hard, and the bread is key for a banh mi.  They get another -1 because either they are always really busy or they have sloths cooking the food.  I usually wait 10 minutes for my food, even when I call ahead and place my order…Either way, make sure you call ahead.

  • Banh mi thit kho (Caramelized pork belly braised in coconut juice with pickled bean sprouts, cilantro and jalapenos on a French baguette): The pork belly is sweet and salty, but it was a bit too fatty. I don’t mind if the meat is a little fatty, but some of the pieces of fat were bigger than the meat.  Two people said they thought there were mushrooms in the sandwich then realized it was the fat.  I did like the flavor of the pork belly though so if you can get past the fat or pull it out, I’d try this sandwich.  More of a side note, but the cilantro had no taste.  The sandwich could’ve used that punch from the cilantro.

    Co Ba's Banh Mi Cha Ca

  • Banh mi cha ca (Hanoi-style fish with fresh dill, onion, mayo, jalapenos, and house-made pickles on a French baguette):  I’ve had this sandwich several times and it’s been my favorite.  The dill goes well with the fish and the breaded fish has nice flavor.  But last time I had it, I thought the fish had too much breading.  Certain bites had all breading and no fish, but this could’ve been a one-time occurrence so I’d still try this sandwich.
  • Banh mi thit (Assorted cold cuts, grilled honey plum-glazed pork, house-made pickles, cilantro, jalapenos and mayo on a French baguette): I had this the first time I tried Co Ba, but thought the cold cuts were too thick.  I do prefer thin slices of pate, head cheese, whatever used in a banh mi so if you like thick slices, you may like their version.

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Categories: Chelsea, NYC


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